Looking for a new car? On this page you will find all offers from Cargate. First you can select the desired brand and then configure
one of the available models. If the brand or car you are looking for is not listed, it cannot be configured directly online. Nevertheless,
we can provide you with an individual offer for many manufacturers and models that are not listed on this page.
In addition, you can easily make a search query for your desired car and we will take care of an offer where you can save a lot of money!
By the way, you can get up to 46% discount on our vehicles compared to the Swiss manufacturer price, so please have a look immediately
how much money you can save with our offers compared to the usual new car purchase.
On our website you will find a selection of different new cars. For these vehicles you can simply make a non-binding inquiry -
we will get back to you as soon as possible and advise you comprehensively about the further course of the order. This can be done both
by phone and by email - the choice is yours. The cars can be completely configured online by you. This enables you to see the price for
the exact equipment of the car of your choice before contacting our service team.
If you like what you see, further processing is just a few clicks away! And until you are completely sure and we have advised you
sufficiently, everything is completely non-binding!